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VAPDC Committees are groups that work on activities directly related to improving the Association and providing value for its member PDCs. Four Committees are required by the VAPDC bylaws. Other standing committees have included Communications; Legislative; Program/Awards; and Strategic Planning. Ad hoc committees may be formed on an as-needed basis.


Committees Required by the VAPDC Bylaws

Audit Committee – The VAPDC Audit Committee receives and reviews monthly reports from the VAPDC Treasurer. The Committee provides an Audit Report at the Annual Business Meeting.


Executive Committee – Composed of the President, Second Vice-President and Secretary/Treasurer. Provides direct supervision to the Executive Director and addresses pressing issues that impact the organization.


Executive Directors’ Committee – Composed of all executive directors of member PDCs and chaired by the Second Vice-President. Meets as often as necessary, sets its own agenda, and may adopt its own rules of procedure. Provision is made in the annual budget for administrative and other expenses of the Executive Directors’ Committee.


Nominating Committee – The President appoints a committee of not fewer than three people and they will propose the name of a candidate for each of the four officers of the Association and the six additional directors to be voted on at the annual meeting. The Nominating Committee is appointed no later than 90 days prior to the date of the annual meeting. The Nominating Committee provides a written report with the results of its work.


Existing Committees not Mandated by the VAPDC Bylaws

Communications Committee – The VAPDC Communications Committee meets as needed to provide input on VAPDC’s external communications, including website, newsletters, press releases and other promotional items of the Association.


Program/Awards Committee – The VAPDC Program Committee is chaired by the Second Vice-President. The Committee plans the agenda for the Winter Conference, Summer Conference, and any large “Agency Heads” Meeting. A subset of the committee oversees the annual VAPDC awards process.


Strategic Planning Committee – The Strategic Planning Committee works on annual strategic planning initiatives for the organization. Tasks include working with any consultants; updating the strategic plan on a periodic basis; scheduling an annual Leadership Retreat and creating an agenda for the retreat; and ensuring identified tasks filter to the appropriate committees for implementation.

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